Chiselling and embossing course

Embossing and chiselling are techniques that in gold work are generally used together: the first is done on the back of a sheet of metal ("verso") on which a drawing or design has been traced, while the second is carried out on the front side ("recto") of the same sheet of metal.
Embossing is an antique technique by which a drawing or design is reproduced in relief by deforming a sheet of metal without heating it: the sheet of metal is secured to a mobile support whose surface is made of a malleable substance and the work is carried out on the reverse side of the sheet, (verso) with mallets and rounded-tip punches, utilizing the malleability of the metal or alloy.
Chiselling, also an antique technique, is a complimentary procedure which follows the embossing process, as it is used to carry out the finishing touches on the reverse side of the sheet of metal by mallets and chisels or punches similar to the previous ones but smaller and with different shapes: on the front of the metal sheet (recto) which has been shaped by the embossing, the contours of the drawing or decorative pattern are refinished and new ones which are smaller and more precise are added by light tapping of the chisel.

Embossed and chiselled gold leaf

Course price

Duration No. hours Weeks Price
One-month 36 4 € 1050
Course calendar
Representation of Venus with embossing and chiselling technique

Jewellery pieces made with embossing and chiselling technique